California State University Application of the Dogmatism in Human Life Questions
A logical fallacy or “dirty trick” is a technique used in rhetoric to deceive others. There are an unlimited number of logical fallacies; however, some of them are more popular than others. It is important to remember they are a faulty reasoning that makes an argument less valid, they can make arguments appear logical and sound, and we have to watch out for them as consumers of information and as writers.
- Read and annotate as needed “Fallacies of Argument”.pdf
- Complete the following requirements for your assigned fallacy (see below):
- Definition (so easy a high school student could understand it, so don’t copy)
- Two examples (not from the article)
- Picture to help us remember
- Example
- Scare Tactics
- Definition: Frightening others and exaggerating possible dangers well beyond their statistical likelihood.
- Example 1: “Hoards of dangerous immigrants charging the country.”
- Example 2: “Brain on Drugs” campaign