Action Research for Innovation Management Discussions
Discussion Question 1
Establishing a Scientific Base
Educators often have to determine whether programs and practices have a basis in scientific research. Use the questions to guide an original response and comments to at least two peers. APA citations are required only in the original response.
- Why is it important to evaluate the scientific base of programs and practices selected to improve student achievement?
- What guidelines does your school or organization use to evaluate the scientific basis of programs and practices?
- What do you see as the major challenges in establishing the scientific base of a program or practice?
- How does your organization use data to plan strategically?
Discussion Question 2
Putting Research Into Action
Action research provides the process by which educators can resolve issues and problems specific to their classrooms, schools, and organizations. Use the questions to guide an original response and comments to at least two peers. APA citations are required only in the original response.
- How can you use action research to study and reflect on your own professional practice?
- What is the role of action research in evidence-based educational practice?
- What do you view as the major strengths and challenges of action research?
Discussion Question 3
Applying Data-Based Decision Making
Researchers must make important decisions about the types of data they will collect. Data may be quantitative, qualitative, or both. Use the questions to guide an original response and comments to at least two peers. APA citations are required only in the original response.
- How comfortable do you feel with data and the data collection and analysis process?
- What are the ethical considerations when interpreting and presenting data?
- Are you more likely to rely on quantitative data, qualitative data, or both to make decisions about curriculum and instruction? Explain.
- What do you view as the major strengths and challenges of using data to select scientific-based programs and strategies?
Discussion Question 4
Internship Scenario Response
This course began with a leadership scenario designed to motivate your thinking about the role of research as a springboard in your work as a principal. Use the questions to guide an original response and comments to at least two peers. APA citations are required only in the original response.
- How can research provide principals and school leaders with the opportunity to explore non-traditional funding sources such as grants, foundations, and community partnerships?
- Why is it important for principals to utilize research, both scientific and action research as they seek school improvement?
- How does this help the principal take a proactive approach to overcome challenges related to school improvement?
- How can quality information support and justify decision-making in diverse school settings?