Pennsylvania State University Nostalgia on Repeat by Chuck Klosterman Questions
1. Who is the intended audience in each essay? Explain your point of view.
2. Are you a part of the intended audience for those texts? Which one? Explain you position specifically.
3. Does Klosterman repeat any particular words, phrases, or examples? How does this repetition help understand the author’s position?
4. Does Dillon repeat any particular words, phrases, or examples? How does this repetition help understand the author’s position?
5. What is Klosterman’s main argument? What is Dillon’s main argument? How are they related to each other?
6. Have you learned anything significant from the texts? Has it changed the way you think about some particular topic?
7. How would Klosterman explain the reasons for Dillon’s memories about his life as a teenager?
8. What is the difference between memory and nostalgia?
9. Based on your understanding of both texts, how might Dillon’s painful memories of the house have served a useful purpose to him? Reference a part of the text to support your interpretation.
10. Even though Dillon describes emotional and important moments in his life – the deaths of his parents – he focuses more on describing the rooms of his house than on those events themselves. How does this focus contribute to his overall argument? In other words, what is the effect of describing the house instead of depicting the deaths of the parents?