Langara College Case Amazon Go Company Analysis
the business problem will be presented to the class by the instructor at the start of the course. The business problem could be in the form of a case study or a short video discussing a specific IT-related problem relating to an organization. You will critically analyze the case study/video, summarize the key ideas, discuss the IT challenges, and present your recommendations.
This report will be organized as follows:
- Introduction – Short summary of the business problem. This section will also include a background of the organization.
- Challenges – Provide for a brief description of the challenges that the organization is facing and how they are planning to address them. This section will provide the audience with a picture of how the organization is planning to address some of the challenges.
- Change Management – Discuss how change is being managed by the organization.
- Recommendations – Discuss what you would have done differently and why.
- Conclusions – Discuss the lessons learned and the key messages that you would like the audience to take away.