Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Discussion
texts can be beowulf, Gilgamesh, withering heights, shake sphere, king lear ect. I will send a full list of epic stories. For our final essay you will write an analytical essay in which you compare and contrast two texts from different literary eras. Choose at least two authors/works. After reading and evaluating the work, you will write an essay describing how and why your chosen works represents the era. You may refer to literary theory as well as social and political characteristics, and some historical context is important. You will include some biographical information about the author, as well as include some literary terms in order to discuss the work. Use outside sources, as well as the text for additional background information. The work you choose may be a poem, short story, essay, or excerpt from a novel.
Remember- this is not a biography or a simple summary of a work; this is an analysis and application essay.
For our final essay, you will write a formal, critical, well-developed literary essay that incorporates support from the text utilizing a specific theory. Use basic essay format (introduction with thesis statement, body paragraphs with topic sentences, conclusion). You will need to do a close, critical reading of the text and develop a thesis statement. In your body paragraphs, you must quote from the text that illustrates the point you are making in that paragraph. After each quote, you should explain how it supports the point you are making. A paragraph should never end with a quote.
Requirements: Essays must be 4-6 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, use at least ONE outside peer reviewed/scholarly source and have MLA heading and documentation. Papers must contain a “Works Cited” page. Discuss summary and biographical information only to help with your literary analysis.