Writing Homework Help

CAL State LA Classical Liberal and Classically Conservative Ideas Question

This assignment has to do with our discussion today about classical liberal and classically conservative ideas.

For this weekend’s assignment, you will discuss political party ideologies with (at least) three other people (who are not in this class). 

Ask these people if they think of themselves as liberal or conservative.  

Ask them if they think of themselves as Democrats or Republicans. 

Explain to them what we went over in class today.  

Now ask them if they think of themselves as conservatives or liberals, Democrats or Republicans?

Your assignment is to report back on how these conversations went.  Were people surprised? Did their positions change as a result of the conversation? What did it feel like for you to explain it to them?  Do you think this might change how you think or talk about politics in the future? 

Just a reminder:

Classically Liberal basically equates with the idea that less government is better government.

Classically Conservative basically equates with the idea that more government is required more of the time.

Generally speaking Democrats in this country are classically liberal when it comes to social policy and classically conservative on economic policy.  They are both classically liberal and conservative. 

Meanwhile, Republicans today are, generally speaking, classically conservative on social issues, but classically liberal on economic issues.  They are both classically liberal and conservative as well. 

Partisan identification does not line up neatly with ideology.