Wilmington University Porter Five Forces General Mills Company Assessment Paper
Company assigned: General Mills
Guidelines for the paper (also review the grading rubric)
- Provide a brief introduction to your assigned company (e.g. what is its business, in what market is it, how long has it been in business, etc.)
- Apply each of Porter’s five forces to your assigned company, indicating the threat level (e.g. high, moderate or low), why you have made this assessment.
- Do NOT make recommendations for addressing these threats; only provide your assessment of the threats
- Include a graphic of the Five Forces model that provides a bulleted synopsis of your assessment for each of the five forces.
- Porter, M.E. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy (Links to an external site.). Harvard Business Review, 86(1), 79-93. Retrieved from Business Source Ultimate, via the Wilmington University Library online resources.