HIS 131 SU Interconnection Between European Americas and Native Americans Questions
No outside source is permitted.
This section includes five short essay questions.Each question is worth 10% so make sure to answer every question in complete sentences (no bullet points).For each short answer question, answer the question as complete as possible by including any people, places, laws, dates, etc. that you believe are relevant to the question being asked.The more thorough your answer, the better your grade will be.Expected length should be about a substantial paragraph (150 words minimum for each response).Responses to each question should not exceed 500 words; exceeding 500 words per question will result in a 1-point deduction.Please also remember to use quotation marks where necessary and to provide a brief citation for any material you quote or paraphrase.Keep in mind that since this is not timed and you get to use your books, my expectations for the quality of work you should be able to produce are higher.
Short Answer Section (5 Questions)
- How did relations between Euro-Americans and indigenous peoples (Native Americans) evolve over time?
- How did the institution of slavery change over time, from the founding of the 13 original colonies through the Civil War?
- Read George Washington’s Farewell Address (found in For the Record on pages 157-162).What advice did Washington give the American people and to what extent did the U.S. live up to this advice under the presidencies of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson?
- Henry Clay was perhaps one of the most important politicians in early American history despite never becoming president.Do you agree or disagree with this aforementioned statement?Explain.
- Why did many utopian communities emerge in the early 19th century?
Section B: Essay (worth 50% of grade)
Read the following prompt and then write a complete essay.Responses should not be longer than 1,000 words.Going over this word limit will result in a 10-point reduction on the grade.Be sure to use specific historical evidence to support your argument.Strong responses will include examples from different time periods, showing that the student has a strong grasp on material presented during all weeks of this course.Historians argue from a position of authority and so you will want to avoid making “I” statements (like “I think” or “I believe”).Please also remember to use quotation marks where necessary and to provide a brief citation for any material you quote or paraphrase.
Prompt: How has materialism (the preoccupation with or importance of possessions and wealth) shaped American history from the pre-Columbian Era through 1865?