USC University of Southern California Music Medieval Early Music Paper
I need support with this Art question so I can learn better.
150 words-What was the attitude of the Medieval/Early Renaissance church toward the use of musical instruments? Why did they feel this way? Your response should be about 150 words and properly cited. (You will want to view the attached PowerPoint point that serves as your lecture for this assignment)
You may see the Medieval Period also referred to as the Middle Ages, or the Dark Ages. It can seem confusing, but these are all the same period. This period is from approximately 450-1450. You may also see dates from 350 as well. The date discrepancies are due to the fact that many people were unable to read and write, so history was not recorded as readily as it is now. Much of what we do know about this period of time is thanks to the monks of the Catholic Church. The monks had to read and write to be able to copy scripture, (in the days before the printing press, each Bible was hand-copied), or church history. The times were very dark indeed, with the absence of technology, and many fighting for their very lives against various plagues.
I will attached some helpful website