Writing Homework Help

Zenger and Folkman Leadership Model Developing Org Leadership Discussion Paper

This week and next, you are asked to gather information – data- about your leadership competencies. The self-assessment is a series of questions for you to ask yourself about how you perceive your ability level for a series of specific behaviors that we call leadership behaviors or competencies or skills or abilities. The same questions are used in an assess ment for you to provide to two people, who know you well enough to answer the questions.

The questions are derived from the Zenger and Folkman leadership model. Sixteen competencies, which fall under 5 broad categories (called tentpoles in this model), are each distilled into up to 10 different behaviors. The questions in the assess ment come from these specific behaviors. It is the specific, detailed behaviors that any leadership development efforts are aimed to improve.

Chapter 1 of your assigned reading for Wednesday’s class, offers you a list of “important ideas” of the textbook. These ideas are titled “insights.” There are 33 insights. Insight 7 and insight 10 are related to the point that the value of any competency depends on the context. The competencies which are most important is contextual.

Questions: (1) What do the authors of your textbook mean when they say that the value of any leadership competence depends on the organization? (2) How is this related to the requirement in your personal leadership development plan that you identify your goals, including the industry and type of organization in which you would like to be a leader?