Sharing Economy Responses
Question 1 – Return to week 1 assignment and analyze your writing on Part B. Identify and
explain three specific opportunities for improvement.
Response 1 here
Response 2 here
Response 3 here
Question 2 – Read the email below. Now, rewrite the email utilizing best practices from this
week’s business communication learning. Include a subject line. Explain the difference
between the poorly constructed email and your version.
Poor example
Hey all,
Great day today. See at our team meeting Monday. I wanted to tell everyone that we’ve had a
change in HR Policies. These are kind of important, so everyone will need to listen up. There is a
new policy on travel reimbursements. You can’t just go take a trip anymore. The new policy
had specific rules that must be followed OR ELSE. The rules include obtaining approval in
advance for all travel. This must be obtained 30 days prior to travelling. You also have to use
corporate approved travel vendors for all travel including use of rental car agencies. You must
save all travel receipts to submit with your travel report. This includes Uber receipts. And, you
have to get those travel reports uploaded in the system within one week of travel. Man – that’s
a lot to do – but I know our team can make a difference and do it right. If you’ve got some
questions – just throw them over to me. Thanks.
Joe Smith
Type your rewritten ‘good’ example of the above poor email here
Your explanation here of the difference between your rewrite and the poor example
Part B (25 points)
The Earth Institute at Columbia University hosted a roundtable on the Sharing Economy. While
there are significant sustainability implications of the sharing economy, these are only
tangential to our interests. I want you to watch the roundtable discussion, follow up by
pursuing your own independent research, and then write approximately 500 words addressing
the following.
? What is meant by the “sharing economy”?
? How does the sharing economy better allocate underutilized resources?
? In so doing, how does it “create value”?