Writing Homework Help

Los Angeles Pierce College President Thomas Jefferson Time and History Essay

1. Discuss major aspects of the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson and identify  major accomplishments or goals that he set out to accomplish that were gained for the country during his Presidency? What do you believe was his legacy?

2. Debate the causes of the War of 1812. How prepared was the United States in dealing with the insurgency of the British? What role did France play during the conflict?

3. Why did the War of 1812 take so long to fight?  When, where, and how did the American component of the War actually end?

4. Illustrate the origins and legacies of the Market Revolution. What kind of nation did the United States become during this period that made the exercise and jump in Free Market Capitalism so grandiose?

5. The market revolution technologically transformed American business and local trade permanently in America. It was a phenomenon that sparked explosive economic growth and new personal wealth. At the same time a growing lower class of property-less workers was created and depressions, called “panics” emerged as a frightful phenomenon. Americans labored for lower wages and became trapped in endless cycles of poverty. Discuss major highlights of this period defending a position as to why it was or was not such an extraordinary period in American history.