Florida Gulf Coast University Flooded Areas Analysis
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The following information from a bulletin at a large construction company provides guidelines for workers involved in cleanup operations after flooding has occurred. Revise and reorganize the information and create a bulletin that is easier to read and understand. Upload your document.
All workers should be vigilant about protecting themselves when engaged in cleanup operations at a site after a flood. Flooded areas can be dangerous because of downed wires or infectious disease. It is usually difficult to maintain good hygiene during cleanup operations, but workers should be conscious of the need to wash their hands with soap and running water before meals and at the end of the shift. Supervisors should be sure to check on whether flooded areas and surrounding areas have been cleared by local authorities for safety. The signs of waterborne bacteria are nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and fever. Tetanus can be acquired from contaminated water or soil entering the body through cuts and puncture wounds. Supervisors will provide bottled water if there is any danger in the local water supply. Cleanup workers also need to wear protective clothing –goggles, rubber gloves, boots, and other outerwear—as necessary. Pools of standing water are homes for mosquitoes. Some floodwaters have collected chemical spills that cause dizziness, skin rashers, nausea, weakness, and fatigue. Workers should have up-to-date tetanus shots. Supervisors should call the local fire or police department for removal of chemical hazards, such as propane tanks.