Writing Homework Help

The University of Tampa Press Conference of Tom Brady Discussion

Okay listen carefully, for this project we must make up a press conference was if it were real. My group and I have decided to do a press conference as if Tom Brady were to retire. Below I have attached the document we will be using for out project. While there are many parts of this project I am only asking for you to do two parts of them. if you could help me with step 2 and step 3 that would be amazing. This should not take very long and should not be very hard but it is something you might have to think about a little bit. The idea behind the “press conference” is that we have spokes people, media(the people who ask questions) and reporters. If you have any questions please ask, but again we are basing this one off if Tom Brady were to retire. Of course, that has not happened yet so everything is being made up, Let me know if you can help. Thank you!!