HUS 1013 Fight or Flight and FSI Family Reflection
I’m working on a Psychology exercise and need support.
- The authors provide some strategies for letting go of thoughts, (i.e. imagery). Try utilizing some of those (or other) strategies this week as you notice yourself labeling critical thoughts. As you are utilizing the strategies, think about how the exercise might be beneficial for the FSI family. Provide an example.
1A. Summarize your experience with the exercises. Which strategy did you use? Was it challenging or helpful for you?
- The authors provide four exercises to help train us in feeling compassion for others and also self-compassion (Video Encounter, Active Listening, Compassion for Things Past, and Compassion Meditation. Try each of the four this week. As you are completing the exercises, think about how the exercise might be beneficial for the FSI family.
Summarize your experience with each of the exercises. Which was most challenging for you? How do you think these exercises would work with our client(s)