Pork Barrel Projects Final Questions
Your final will cover Chapters 11-17 from the textbook.
- All 30 questions must have legitimate and complete responses
- Responses must be in your own words
- Plagiarized responses will not receive any consideration – including responses from Quizlet (or anywhere else on the internet), word-for-word from the book, word-for-word from a classmate, etc.
The short answer questions that appear on your final will be randomly generated from this question list. Please take this opportunity to create a study guide for yourself that addresses the following questions.
1. What are pork-barrel projects and why are they important?
2. Why do most members of Congress keep getting reelected?
3. What is the difference between redistricting and apportionment?
4. What does it mean when a member of Congress engages in “credit claiming”?
5. What is an executive order? Is this power limited? Explain
6. What is executive privilege and why is it important?
7. What is the Office of Management and Budget and why is it important?
8. What role do first spouses play in American politics?
9. What are signing statements and why are they important?
10. What does it mean if a president decides to “go public”?
11. Explain the role of the vice president in the executive branch of government.
12. Why is it problematic for members of Congress to limit bureaucratic discretion? Explain.
13. Why is plea bargaining so prevalent in the United States criminal justice system?
14. What is senatorial courtesy and why is it important?
15. What is a writ of certiorari and why is it so important in Supreme Court politics?
16. Explain the difference between judicial activism and judicial restraint.
17. Why did Alexander Hamilton argue that the judiciary would be the weakest branch of government at the federal level? Explain.
18. What is the difference between fiscal policy and monetary policy?
19. Why was the Federal Reserve System created in 1913 and why is it so important in economic policy?
20. What is the difference between a progressive and a regressive tax structure? Be sure to cite specific examples in your response.
21. Explain how the federal budget process works each year in Congress.
22. How is Social Security funded? Why is this an important issue?
23. Explain the fundamental differences between Medicare and Medicaid?
24. What are school vouchers and why are they so controversial?
25. Explain the United States foreign policy doctrine of containment.
26. What is domino theory and when was it applied in U.S. foreign policy?
27. What are the responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security?
28. What are tariffs and why are they important?
29. Is trade essential for the United States? Explain using factual support.
30. What are the various tools that are available when it comes to making U.S. foreign policy? Explain.