Writing Homework Help

MDC Write Mind mapping Discussion

Watch Tony Buzan’s discussion on Mindmapping, and then continue on to answer the discussion questions:

Watch VideoMaximise the Power of Your Brain – Tony Buzan MIND MAPPING 

Duration: (5:39)
User: imindmap –  Added: 1/8/07 

YouTube URL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlabrWv25qQ

Explore any class you’re taking this term and create a one-page mindmap covering one of the chapters.    Post your one-page mindmap as an attachment to this discussion.

Reflect on the following three questions in the discussion:

(1)  How did the mindmap help you to organize and preview the material?

(2)  What was it like to implement a new skill for note-taking? 

(3)  What is your learning style and how did mindmapping work for you?

(4)  Was material posted that could be used by you to prepare for an exam?