Company Evaluation Report
Component A: Company Evaluation Report. This report could be viewed as preliminary research for a future job search for someone in your major. This is in MLA format double spaced, (pg. 37 in the reader) with the addition of step subheadings, not question and answer (no bullet points). Stay 3rd person throughout.
Start with a small introduction to the content of the report, then set up the steps as sub-headings, keep each company separate within the steps (Step 1, Step 2, etc.). – 1 paragraph.
STEP 1. With your career path in mind, locate three companies that you might realistically envision yourself working for (FBI, NSA, NCIS) or (San Diego Unified District, Sweetwater District, Poway District). They must be the same type of business. See what you can learn about the company by seeing how it represents itself on the Internet. For example, a graphics design firm will likely have an entirely different look and feel to its website than a law firm would. What kind of information is included on the website? Provide a brief summary of what kind of corporate image each company seems to be portraying through their website. Stay 3rd person throughout the entire report, use a MLA heading. (Note: If you plan on starting your own business, you might want to use this assignment to check out your competition! Contact me first). This is 3 separate paragraphs, one for each company.
STEP 2. Narrow your search to two out of the three companies based upon your preliminary evaluation.
Why did you eliminate one of the three? (1 paragraph) Then in 1 paragraph for each company remaining, attempt to find out about:
- The current financial viability of the company;
- The position of the company in the greater marketplace;
- The potential for the company’s growth, given its position in the marketplace;
- The corporate culture (formal, informal, casual Friday?);
- The non-profit organizations supported by the company;
- The professional groups or organizations that company employees belong to;
- The benefits package (401K, health insurance, profit sharing) for employees.
STEP 3. Now, narrow your search down to one of the two companies (why did you eliminate one of the two?) –
1 paragraph and answer the following questions in 1 paragraph for the remaining company.
- What is the president’s or CEO’s name?
- How many people does the company employ?
- How much do people in this field get paid?
- How many employment openings are expected in the next year? Five years?
- What special skills, knowledge, and experience are you expected to have?
- What might you expect as far as promotion and career enhancement in this company? (Women—pay particular attention here!)
- What are other important factors you deem necessary to your search (Is the company planning on moving its location? What about commute time, traffic, etc.)?
STEP 4. Write a 1 paragraph evaluation to end your report. Put all of the above information into a short report (5 pages, MLA double spaced). Remember, this is an analysis that ends with an evaluation. Stay 3rd person throughout. (Total paragraphs for assignment =10)
Key 305W outcomes met with this assignment:
- Analyze and Evaluate complex print, digital, and multimodal texts that engage significant academic, professional, or civic issues.
- Apply rhetorical principles appropriate to different purposes and goals, within specific disciplinary, professional and civic communities.
- Research and contribute to specific areas of inquiry by evaluating, synthesizing, and integrating strategies and sources appropriate to genre.
- Adapt and employ conventions to communicate with diverse audiences who are members of or affected by a specific area or discipline.
- Compose a variety of texts, working individually and collaboratively, through processes of drafting, critiquing, reflecting, and editing.