Writing Homework Help

San Diego State University The Gender Blur Identity Masking Reflection Paper

Respond to Devor and Blum’s readings and give ONE instance that shows how either Devor’s text complicates Blum, or Blum’s text complicates Devor’s text. Conclude with a personal reaction/response to their texts’ arguments (do you agree/disagree/combination of both?). 

Respond to the quote in Jenning’s text found in par. 12: “Real freedom will be ours when people around us–and we ourselves–accept that we, too, are ‘real’ Americans, and that we shouldn’t have to change to meet anyone’s standard” (496). Even though many would agree with Jennings’s point, why do we feel pressure to conform to societal values pushed by pop culture? 

How do millennials, and people in general, make and mask identities, according to Lowry? Next, offer a personal reaction/response to Lowry’s text’s argument (agree/disagree/combination of both). You may use personal examples to support to your reaction/response.