Chapter 4 Read and Discussion
For this assignment we are going to do a couple of things! First you are going to take a learning style quiz: (Links to an external site.) This is a bit fun, but is also important. It can teach you what the best way to study is….and can save you much time. For example, when I was in college, I studied for tests by making index cards. However, I didn’t learn best by reading…I learned best by doing! So instead of spending time with the cards, I should have spent more time drawing pictures or talking about the assignment. So take this test, and post what kind of learning style it tells says you have. And then, based on results, what type of assignments would you like to see more of in an onlineclass that you think would help you learn best. Recently, there has been some debate as to how accurate the idea of learning styles is, but it will certainly give you something to think about!
And then read Chapter 4 (paying attention to these: Key Terms
Actions) and then come up with an example of an assignment that would help you remember the material in Chapter 4 Using specific examples from the Chapter, explain what that assignment would be! Be as creative as possible. Wow! Due TUESDAY August 31st…at 11:55 PM!