Chemistry homework help. Hi, I need help with essay on Produce a report of 3,000 words. The policy evaluation report in which evaluates urban policies in the city of canberra in Australia. Paper must be at least 3000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!al. 1991).Among the most urbanized countries Australia is one of them. Securing of social, environmental and economic wellbeing of Australia is dependent on its cities. These cities are not only home to a massive of Australians andcenters for economic activity but are also a gateway to significant economic and cultural contribution. In the increasingly urbanized world, the cities play a pivotal role in making Australia competitive worldwide.The government of Australia has committed itself in making its cities lead the world in livability, sustainability and productivity. Just like all the other cities on the global platform, Australias are also faced by a number of long-term challenges. Among the challenges are: housing affordability, accelerated globalization process, resource limitations and technological change. The cities offer a vast social and economic opportunity apart from serving as concentrated centers of both people and their actions. Planning and management of cities by governments needs to address these challenges while exploiting opportunities. It leads to improved quality of life and in securing the productivity of the nation in the future.Among the many roles of the Australian government is that of planning for and delivery of an urban Australia, which is more productive, sustainable and livable. The development and management of cities no matter their location in the nation affect the national prosperity and welfare of all Australians.Three quarters of Australians population live in the eighteen major cities. With the livable cities in the world being in Australia, the cities are still faced by a several long term challenges: provision of affordable and accessible housing, creation of safe community spaces, meeting needs for a both growing and aging population (Rickaby, 1987). Maintenance of the status of being among the best cities in the world is dependent on the cities are developed to accommodate future growth.The