Earth Sciences homework help

Earth Sciences homework help. The argument I will be addressing in my persuasive essay is why it is important to have mandatory labeling of foods sources that contain GMO. My degree and current profession revolves around data. During my search for possible topics I could not find enough sources that revolves around the type of data analysis the I perform daily. In place of this I chose a topic that is important to me. I believe that all consumers have a right to know what is the food they consume. I also that companies should be required to label in order to take responsibility of avoidance of cross contamination of food and pharmaceutical grade GMO ingredients.My three possible key points for mandatory GMO labeling revolve round; right to know, food source contamination, and the increase of food allergens.Consumers have right to know what they are consuming. Every consumer has a right to know what is in their food. By knowing they can then, make a decision to purchase product that contains GMO ingredients or not.Cross contamination of Food and Pharma grade GMO crops could be avoided with mandatory GMO labeling. I would also like to talk about the issues revolving around cross contamination for GMO crops with organic crops.Since the introduction of GMO ingredients into our food sources there has been an increase of food allergies. A severe allergic reaction to a food source that contains GMO ingredients could potentially be avoided with mandatory labelingIn this essay, I would hope to educate and inform consumers who do not know or understand what GMO is. More importantly to get them to question where their food sources are coming from. At the very least I would hope to at least get consumers to read the labels of the processed foods they are buying and feeding to their families each week. I think the biggest challenge would be to get the consumer to care about what they are ingesting. It would be wonderful to get them to stand up and demand better quality, cleaner food sources not just for the benefits to themselves but to the environment.In this essay I, would hope to educate and inform consumers on what GMO is. More importantly to get them to question where their food sources are coming from. At the very least I would hope to at least get consumers to read the labels of the processed foods they are buying and feeding to their families each week.ÿ It would be wonderful to get them to stand up and demand better quality, cleaner food sources not just for the benefits to themselves but to the environment. Even to just get the consumer toÿthink about what they are ingesting.I still have more sources to find. The few that I have found, are key sources that have helped to give me a better understanding of GMO. They have helped me understand the effects that cross contamination of food grade and pharmaceutical GMO ingredients have on food sources and the environment. They have introduced me to the negative effects mandatory labeling could have on manufactures. I still need to dig into the information about the increase in food allergens, since GMO?s were introduced into our food supply.I think that my supporting resources align with not only my key points, but also provide background information on my topic. Consumers have right to know what they are consuming. Every consumer has a right to know what is in their food. By knowing they can then, make a decision to purchase product that contains GMO ingredients or not. Cross contamination of Food and Pharma grade GMO crops could be avoided with mandatory GMO labeling. I would also like to talk about the issues revolving around cross contamination for GMO crops with organic crops. Since the introduction of GMO ingredients into our food sources there has been an increase of food allergies. A severe allergic reaction to a food source that contains GMO ingredients could potentially be avoided with mandatory labelingWithout creditable evidence my essay would just be hearsay. I plan integrating key evidence into each of the sections where I talk about me key points. By integrating key evidence into the sections about each of my key points will make them more creditable.I like to free write my work first. This lets the ideas flow freely. To me it is a non-stressful way to start and get motivated to right. Most of my free write is scrap; but I can usually pull out a few key points to build upon. For this essay, I think I am going to start a little differently and use note cards to get my key points down. Then free write each of the key points. Once the free writing is done, I will work on each section individually and use it as my base to put the entire essay together. Once the essay is together I will print it, read it, and edit it. Each time walking away and coming back until I think it is in a good place to submit to the writing center for feedback.I think when writing you can sometimes get off topic. You can also read your work and think it is easily understandable. To an outside party that may not be the case. Have extra eyes on your work, really helps to make sure that you stay on topic and that your work makes sense.ÿÿ 1. In your own words, identify the argument of your peer’s persuasive essay. What is he or she aiming to prove?ÿ 2. Has your peer adequately addressed opposing viewpoints?ÿÿ 3. Which of the summaries (or which sections of the summaries) could use more clarification? How could your peer’s summaries be improved? Please paste an example and, if appropriate, offer your own edits.ÿ 4. Has your peer provided adequate credentialing information? If so, how can you tell the source is credible? If not, what could your peer add to establish the reliability of the source?ÿÿ 5. Do the sources your peer describes in the annotated bibliography connect to his/her argument in a clear and easy-to-understand manner? If so, how so? If not, what are some ways in which your peer could strengthen those connections?ÿÿ 6. Does your peer acknowledge a counterargument in one of the annotations? If a counterargument is presented, does he/she provide a persuasive rebuttal? If no counterargument is presented, can you anticipate some of the objections your peer should take into consideration?ÿÿ 7. Evaluate the sources your peer has selected. Which sources do you find to be the strongest? Why do you think they are strong, and how do they support your peer’s key points? Are there ways the sources could support those key points that your peer has overlooked? Be specific.

Earth Sciences homework help